Skateboard Lessons


If you like skateboard tricks as much as I do the Ollee Skate Tracker will record them for you while you skate. 
Get 10% off using promo code SK8HERE @ Ollee Skate Tracker 
See my review of the tracker here. It is fun to skate with.

At skateboardhere I believe in skateboard lessons for a beginner scaled to their abilities.

Much of the skateboarding instruction out there shows advanced skateboarding to the beginner. This level of skateboarding is too difficult for the beginner to do.

I teach a skater by giving them goals that they can reach. That accomplish many basic tricks and feel good about it. All while they work towards the bigger stuff. That is the best way to learn how to skateboard. By setting goals that you really want to achieve and are within you abilities to land. Step by step building to levels better than you imagined.

Once the basics are covered they will have the skills to move up to advanced levels on their own. By that point they have learned the system or method of how to skateboard and master a trick.

To learn something new, you can simply repeat the process. For this reason, I compare skaters to scientists experimenting in a lab. They follow a strict method of trial and error to learn every new move.

When I show how to skateboard for the basic and intermediate levels, I focus on the "process" of learning a new move. I do this because at that skill level you already have the physical strength and balance to land most tricks.

I spend time teaching you how to experiment, practice with your current and new skill. Every new trick you learn is based on your current skills. It follows the same steps to mastery. You will learn the move and you will set in place the system of how to learn.

This step by step process is the key to learning how to skateboard. This is how I learned to skate. I am not very athletic with most things. I don't have a large amount of natural ability. I used this process to learn how to skateboard. All the hard work goes into trying over and over again. When you do it, you eventually learn how to skateboard well.

Your training will allow you to learn more advanced tricks and combos, where you add different tricks together like a kickflip to a 50-50. When you master many tricks, pulling them together into combos is really fun.

Skateboard Lessons Geared to Skill Level

Following my system you will gain a certain level in balance and confidence on your skateboard. You will be able to see what skills you have and what skills you need to learn how to skateboard at the next level.

You will also learn how to apply your current skills towards the next trick. This system of skills assessment and experimentation will allow you to try a new trick with less instruction. If you see someone doing it your will be able to try it.

There will always be the need for tips and tricks on technique. These will compliment the process. This speed things up.

I Teach Tricks Skaters Can and Want To Land

During my skateboard lessons, when I describe a trick, I show it in the most basic way. In a way that a beginner can attempt. The pros are exceptional in their abilities to skateboard. They do tricks to perfection. To heights and distances the average skate cannot do, especially while learning.

It is good to see perfection to inspire, to show an example of how high a pro can ollie, but a 30"+ ollie is not a starting point for a beginner. Seeing that will set the bar to high.

I use a 6"[150mm] or even 3"[75mm] high ollie as the example for learning. That is a challenging yet attainable goal for a beginner.

I Break Down Every Trick into its Smallest Movements

I break down tricks into the simplest individual movements needed to pull the trick. The level of detail I go into to in my skateboard lessons is where I set my self apart from the competition. Most instruction I have seen tells you how to do tricks like an ollie in a very difficult way. They don't break out the separate movements. Which makes it difficult to learn.

Everyone says to pop and slide your foot all at once. To the beginner just popping is nearly impossible. Beginners aren’t able to pop the back foot and the slide the front foot all at once. It is too much.

My ollie lesson and all of my skateboard lessons break a trick into many parts.
Ones that focus on timing, movements and pop. Another that targets height and style. The technique comes first, then the style. Once you learn how to pop the trick consistently then it’s time to work on the height and tweak.

Timing your jump and your pop is a difficult task. If you focus on and mastering that, then and only then, you advance to the next level.

Once you have the pop down, leveling the ollie by sliding your foot will be a cinch. It have seen it. Over and over again.

Get the pop, then worry about the tweak.

They are two separate steps.

I then add more when you are ready. That way you learn the trick then, you can refine the trick.

When I give skateboard lessons or instruction you will learn new tricks. Breaking down tricks and showing the method for learning new tricks is what I teach. It is like no other instruction out there.

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