Nosegrind - A grind on the front truck. The nose can touch. For good quality balance on only the truck.
Ollie, noseslide, 50-50, 5-0, nose manual, crooked grind.
I will describe the frontside nosegrind. Doing it backside is similar to the backside crooked grind. If you learn that and a frontside nose grind you will have a good variety of tricks to choose from.
This trick involves balancing on your front truck and sometimes the nose of the deck. You need to stay over the front of the board. With your body and board parallel to the edge you are grinding.
When the nose touches it will provide extra balance. Be very light with the contact or the deck will stick and grind will stop dead.
Try this off the end of a ledge or rail. The pop out is much easier.
Stay light on the board to grind this trick. The more you do it the more you an lay into the grind with weight.
Try this trick by grinding only a short distance, less than a board length. This will allow you to get in a pop out without getting the deck stuck in a long grind. Try and grind longer and longer.
Be sure to get the edge waxed up enough that you can actually grind it.
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