Birdhouse Skateboards


If you like skateboard tricks as much as I do the Ollee Skate Tracker will record them for you while you skate. 
Get 10% off using promo code SK8HERE @ Ollee Skate Tracker 
See my review of the tracker here. It is fun to skate with.

Birdhouse Skateboards

Tony Hawk's company. Started in the 90's. Hawk = Birdhouse. Get it?

The video The End was a late 90's version of the movie that Stacy Peralta made for the Bones Brigade. There was a sort of story line and each part was not just skating.  Kind of cool.

They made a tour van once that had the ramps attached to in. so they would pull up to demos and skate the actual van. Pretty cool. I think the van got trashed in the end of The End.

Tony put all his money into this company and slowly pulled through. He survived the 90's and once he became a world renown star I think the company did well.

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