5-0 Grind - The 5-0 is half of a 50-50. Where the back truck grinds the edge. The tail can be in contact with the edge. For really good 5-0’s you balance on the truck.
Ollie, manual, boardslide, 50-50 grind.
The technique for foot placement feels very different for the frontside and backside versions of this trick. I was able to grind backside 5-0’s well for years but couldn’t get the frontside 5-0. I tightened my trucks and this helped me grind the frontsides better.
Like the 50-50:
Popping off can be tough because your tail is really low or dragging. Don’t let that stop you from adding a little pop out.
Just like you would for most other slides and grinds trying this trick to stall is a good way to practice the movements. Because your weight is all on the back the board tends to slide out forward leaving you behind, sometimes on the ground. Make sure that the curb is good and waxed. Then you won’t have to push as hard to grind making it easier to balance on the back truck.
If you like you can land in 50-50 and pull the trucks up into 5-0. This will often be enough to stop the grind or throw you off balance. It can be a fun trick on its own though.
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